Worshipping with Omega Baptist church was a very encouraging experience. I knew half of the songs, and Pastor Jeremy Hall delivered an inspiring message out of 1 Samuel about Hannah. I was able to understand portions, and Sindy translated some for me. I'm reminded of our disciples Adrian and Veronica. The worship at OHBC was so inspiring, that even though they didn't fully understand the language, they saw how powerful and sincere the worship was. I saw this same thing today. I was trying to sing, but I couldn't keep up on a few songs. As I observed others I couldn't help but notice the Holy Spirit power and presence. After the service the church had some unique ways to honor the mothers with gifts and kind words.
After a nice Mother's Day lunch we hung out, and returned for the evening service. This service is dedicated to leaders-in-training and they do the worship and teaching. Great peek at how this church movement trains leaders by giving them opportunities to practice ministry.
It was a privilege to meet several brothers and sisters in Christ. As expected, Sindy was a big hit. No matter where we go people seem to like me more because of her. I guess she fulfills the expression "better half". We interacted with both young and aged. A couple of guys named Victor and Alvaro helped us grocery shop, and they live here at the Bible college. They are amongst several that shared their testimonies with me.
Honestly, today was long and tiring. The kids are not adjusted, and especially Bubba is giving us a hard time. We'll work through it though. I'm anxious to start language school tomorrow. Also, Sindy will go to meet the people she will be discipling. They are cousins. One is named Daisy. She is saved, has been baptized, but needs help building the necessary foundation to be an integral part of the church. She is only fifteen so pray that she will be receptive, and that the four short weeks here will be enough to pique her interest in more spiritual growth. I do not know her cousins name, but she is 29 and unsaved. Pray God will use Sindy to clearly present the gospel to her.
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